50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

50 Hopeless Romantics Reveal The Dumbest Thing They Have Done To Impress A Crush

47. Well…. When I first got with my (now husband) I wanted a change so I dyed my hair jet black. I’m very, very white. I don’t fucking know why, but I used the boxed dye on my eyebrows too! I looked like a fucking freak and I thought it was so cute and he’d love it. What the fuck is wrong with me.

48. On a 4th of July date after going out to dinner, I took her out on the lake in a canoe to watch the fireworks. It was awesome.

Young macho me, of course, turned down her offer of help with a large canoe and I manhandled that thing like it was nothing. Put her in it while it was on the grass and continued manhandling it to show off just how strong I was.

The next morning i had to call in to work sick because my back muscles were so strained I couldn’t get out of bed. My back was sore for over a week!

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