30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

13. This is my sister’s story, we laugh about it now cause it’s crazy how our parents brushed off how serious this was in hindsight.

She had gotten home from high school and was all alone, some guys came and tapped at the gate, where I live you do occasionally get people knocking and it will either be Jehovah witnesses, or people saying they’re raising funds for a recovery program they’re in (or lying about being in) or people selling something, that sort of stuff.

She couldn’t be arsed so she just ignored them as she sat in the living room, after a moment of silence she hears a BANG and the garage door rolling up, she runs to the garage and screams as she see’s the two guys inside! They had been scoping out houses looking for empty ones to rob. The guys luckily just grabbed the two bikes in the garage and booked it. My mom mostly complained about the stolen bikes when she got home, but hey, way better that they took those rusty old things than ransacked the whole house or done something to my sister.

To this day it’s why I go to the door when people tap at the gate, I rather tell them “No thank you” or “not right now” and have them know the house isn’t empty just in case it’s someone scoping out homes.

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