30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

5. So this took place in my backyard when I was a kid. My mom had made a tree swing by putting a large log across two trees that were split at the top in Y-shapes. A rope hung down from the middle of the log and there was a little wooden slab to sit and swing on. I was out there swinging away when suddenly before I knew what had happened; I was pulled backward and found myself laying on the dirt. I looked up just in time to watch the log that was holding the swing split and came crashing down. I had used this swing a billion times and where I landed wasn’t even reachable at maximum swinging capacity. I looked up and no one was around. The feeling of being pulled back is permanently logged in my brain.

6. I live in a cul-de-sac. My bedroom is on the second story. I woke up one night around 3 am to go to the bathroom. I knew we were expecting a LOT of snow. I looked out the bedroom window to see the accumulation. It was deep! Higher than the curb. Like a white blanket across the cul de sac. I decided to get some water, so I walked downstairs, turned on the light – went to the bathroom and got water. Was downstairs maybe four minutes. I went back to my bedroom, all lights were out again and I looked at the snow one more time. Within those FOUR minutes – there were now FRESH footsteps leading from my house, across the cul-de-sac and disappearing behind my neighbors house!

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