30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

23. Was sitting in our living room watching TV one night and no one else was home. In the kitchen we have a refrigerator that has dual doors to open and a lot of decorations all over it including a small magnetic chime thingy.

I’m sitting there when i hear the chimes ringing slightly so I mute the tv and listened thinking maybe a family member was home. Nothing happened so I turn the volume back up and keep watching TV. A minute later I hear what sounds like someone sneezing in our kitchen and it didn’t sound like any of my family voices. I tensed up and thought someone had broken in our home.

I’m shaking at this point but I’m being quiet and listening. A few moments go by and I hear the refrigerator doors open and then slam shut so hard I can hear glass jars inside it rattling. I ran in the kitchen ready to whoop someone’s ass and there was nothing. Told my family about it and they said I was just paranoid but we’ve had guests come over to the house and say it feels weird in there.

24. I’ve had some woman walk up to my door when I was a kid at midnight and start screaming and knocking on my door. All of the doors were locked but she eventually just lied down and fell asleep on my porch.

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