30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

22. One time when I was about 8, back when kids were allowed to run free range in our country neighborhood. I came back early from playing with some neighbors and went to sleep on the couch as I was tired from running rampant. My parents thought I was still at the neighbors house so they left to go to the store.

When I woke up, it was dark and the power had gone out. I climbed off the couch and started calling for my mom when I started hearing noises from the basement which I never went down to anyways because it scared the shit out of me at that age.

It was a scratching noise, like something with claws was dragging against the concrete floor.

Naturally I was scared shitless so I ran back to the couch, climbed into the hole underneath the cushions and waited until my parents got home. It only took them 20 minutes but to an 8 year old scared of being eaten by some basement monster, it felt like hours.

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