30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

20. All the doors in the apartment slammed shut at the same time. I took a walk around the neighborhood until my roommate got home.

21. It was raining heavily outside. I was sitting on one the chairs, looking out the window. And then suddenly, I heard something walking on the floor above me. I thought it was just a sound my mind was creating because yeah, I was already scared being all alone at home. So I ignored. About 5 minutes later, I hear someone knock on the window. I thought maybe it was a bird who hit the window or something. But then, suddenly, this huge floor lamp fell right on me. And I sat there for solid 10 minutes, trying to understand what exactly happened. The lamp was perfectly fine. I still don’t understand how It fell. Definitely the creepiest “alone moment” of my life.

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