30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

18. When I was a kid and my parents first started letting me stay at home by myself without a baby sitter the large stereo we had in the finished part of our basement just turns on and starts blasting music. It was after midnight, the music was insanely loud so there was no ignoring it so 8 or 9 year old me had to go down into the basement and turn it off. Everything you’re not supposed to do in a horror movie I did and I survived but every light in the house stayed on until my parents got home later that night.

I still don’t know why it turned on but I messed around with it a lot so I must have turned on some sort of alarm or timer or something earlier that day. That’s what I’m choosing to believe anyway.

19. I was watching TV on the couch with the dog around noon or so. Suddenly she perks up, the hair on her back stands on end, and she begins snarling at the corner of the room. This dog, who was a previous abuse victim and scared of her own shadow, hesitant to ever bark or attack, was in a position to lunge.

Right at that moment I hear clear, defined footsteps walk from my roommate’s room across the hall, right in my line of vision. No one is there but I’m looking directly at the source of the sound. The dog is on the defensive but her tail is tucked between her legs at the same time. Immediately following this the room got really cold for a few seconds and it took her a while to lay back down.

Never had any other paranormal experiences in that house nor really ever in my life (the exception being a house I nannied in for a while) The suddenness of it really freaked me out.

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