30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

30 Scary Home Alone Stories That Will Remind You To Double Lock Your Front Door 

16. I was watching a horror movie/ can’t remember what one now but in it was a scene with lots of crows dying around a farm house flying at the windows- smacking into them annnnd guess what the hell happened! A damn bird smacked into the window during that movie scene. I almost shit my pants and was covered in goose bumps.

17. It was January in Minnesota. There was about a foot of snow on the ground and my parents were out at a bar and my brother was at a friends house but would come back later. I was in my living room watching tv and I heard a small knocking coming from the basement. So I walked down to investigate all over the basement to find nothing. Not thinking much of it I walk back upstairs to the living room to continue watching. About 5 minutes later I hear a loud crash from the basement and what sounded like a door opening. At this point I was pretty worried. I started to make my way down the stairs terrified and as I went down I thought maybe my brother was home without me knowing so I called his name. Nothing. I called again, and nothing so I kept slowly moving down the stairs only to find that there were drawers open in desks, boxes opened, and a few plastic bins and containers all knocked down and tipped over but worst of all, my back glass door wide open with footprints leading out the door. I shut it, called my parents and when they came, my mom called the police while my dad followed them. According to him, they went over my fence, and to the road behind my house where they stopped. My guess is he was picked up, but we and the police never found out if it was planned or just a random house they picked to rob. Absolutely terrifying.

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