16 People’s Stories Of Being Neighbors With A Murderer

10. “He was certainly an odd one, but most odd people aren’t murderers.”

My next-door neighbor was arrested in 2011 for the murders of 4 women in California. Before his trial closed they were able to add two more to his charges. They know he killed at least ten (he kept journals and photos) but could only match up six. His MO also matches 8-10 other women’s murders in the New York area, so 20 women potentially.

He was certainly an odd one, but most odd people aren’t murderers. He was in his 70s, lived alone, did a lot of outside maintenance on his property but rarely left. He would wave and talk to me when he saw me walking my dog everyday. Normal stuff about the weather or the news. He always seemed irritable but who doesn’t have an old neighbor that isn’t? We invited him to thanksgiving one year. He brought some foul tasting stuffing and left five minutes later. One winter he was just standing in the middle if the street in the snow at like 3:00am. He always kept his windows and doors heavily shuttered. In May my husband and I finally decided to break into his house (it’s been sitting untouched since his arrest) and look around. I can completely see why he kept the windows covered. That house is the scariest, freakiest thing I’ve ever seen.

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