16 People’s Stories Of Being Neighbors With A Murderer

6. “She said he was nice but mostly kept to himself.”

My aunt lived up the street from [serial killer] Robert Berdella for a couple of years. We went to his store Bob’s Bizarre Bazaar a few times but I was too little to remember. She said he was nice but mostly kept to himself. She never thought anything of him really. He was just a dude up the street. She moved just a few weeks before that man escaped from Berdella’s house. She that looking back there were no red flags or anything suspicious. She said that knowing those horrible things were happening just a few yards away from where she slept gave her nightmares for years after the news broke. Kansas City is kind of fucked-up place.

My aunt on the other side of the family went to church with BTK. I think he was even a deacon or something in their church. She said that she never liked him and thought he was a creep. She never would of thought he was capable of that kind of evil but that there was something very off about him. She mentioned not liking the guy long before he was a suspect in the killings. Wichita is also kind of a fucked-up place.

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