16 People’s Stories Of Being Neighbors With A Murderer

13.“He murdered his business partner who was going to turn him over to authorities.”

My parents owned apartments and we became very good friends with a couple that was raising their granddaughter. We would spend almost every weekend, vacations and even holidays with them.

The grandfather was very Mafia-esque. He always “had a friend” or “knew a guy” for any little thing we ever needed. He drank more vodka than anyone I’ve ever met. Also on paper they didn’t have a lot of money, but they always had a ton of expensive things..

Anyway, about 10 years ago he murdered his business partner who was going to turn him over to authorities because he had been embezzling a lot of money from the company. He tried to destroy the evidence by throwing it in the river, I think it was a hammer and gloves. It was winter. There was ice. Evidence found. He’s in his 70s in prison for life.

I was pretty shocked, he was a nice guy, very family oriented and sooo loyal to anyone he knew. I was not surprised to hear he had been drinking before it happened which could have led to harming someone because he probably felt at the end of his rope. I just couldn’t imagine him killing someone, never got the murder vibe, but I guess alcohol and bad situations could lead someone to do terrible things…

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