If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

18. Clinginess, like… excessive. She’d call me every day and spin yarn for hours. Yeah, it’s nice only the first three times you do it, but every day I just plain don’t have that much to talk about.

19. Zero Communication.

Okay, I get it, we have jobs and lives to keep tabs under. Responsibilities are okay to have and keep track of and I’ll never fault you for it. But, people in my past friendships have stretched those reasons way too much to the point where I hear not even a peep from them for months to even a year. Not to brag, but I’ve held jobs in my life where I didn’t think I’d have time for anyone and I had my own responsibilities to upkeep. Yet, I’ve still found time for people, but nobody has returned the benefit.

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