If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

15. She just had a really fucked up outlook about life, and expected everyone to constantly cater to that, and her constant self deprecation (compliment fishing). It was exhausting, and eventually I just stopped contacting her. She never contacted me again, so I guess the feeling was mutual.

16. They would talk about me behind my back. It made every interaction with them feel fake. Eventually you can’t put up a facade anymore.

17. Nothing was ever her fault, I was always the one coming to her to apologize after a fight. I don’t think she was doing this maliciously or anything, I honestly just think she didn’t spend enough time reflecting on her actions to figure out what she had done wrong.

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