If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

If These 50 Toxic Traits Remind You Of Your Friends, You Need To Mute, Block, And Delete

4. She would talk shit about ALL of her “best friends”. These were people who loved her. And she would constantly just put them down behind their backs. I can’t even imagine the shit she would probably say about me. One day I said the wrong thing, I guess, and she completely dropped me. It was over some petty shit and it destroyed me for years because I was so in love with her.

Years later, she ended up cheating on her boyfriend, who was completely devoted to her, with his sister’s boyfriend. It was then I realized that I dodged a HUGE bullet.

5. One-upping you, and shutting you down. I had a “friend” last year who I connected with on many levels, but she literally couldn’t go one conversation without doing both of these to me.

Example, I’d say: “Ugh, I’m coming down with a cold and I’ve gotta go to work.” She snaps, “Wow too bad for you, I’ve done that every day for a week!”

Or in a group, I bring up an idea of where to eat: “That place sucks, let’s go to _____!”

If they’re randomly rude and cutting towards you for no reason, they aren’t your friend. They resent you, and aren’t mature enough to just cut you off. Do yourself a favor and find another friend.

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