50 Guys Get Real About The Relationship Mistakes They Repeatedly Catch Girls Making

50 Guys Get Real About The Relationship Mistakes They Repeatedly Catch Girls Making

10. The “Sunk Cost Fallacy” I’ve known quite a few women who seem to be pretty unhappy and unfulfilled in their relationships but were unwilling to leave. Why?

“We have so much history together. I can’t just walk away after all the time I’ve put in to this relationship. I need to make it work!”

11. This goes for men and women (and those who lieth betwixt) I guess but I watched my sister date a depressed guy for a year. She put so much time and energy into him, then he just dumped her out of the blue before begging her to take him back a week later. She still has trust issues because of it.

Don’t try to “fix” someone, just find someone who is emotionally stable.

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