50 Guys Get Real About The Relationship Mistakes They Repeatedly Catch Girls Making

50 Guys Get Real About The Relationship Mistakes They Repeatedly Catch Girls Making

27. Having the “PERFECT RELATIONSHIP” fantasy, and the unspoken metric by which they judge a relation., and being upset when someone fails to meet the metrics they never expressed.

28. My SO never apologizes for anything. She is “flawless”. It’s her worst trait.

29. You don’t know your own value.

This might be one of the most common areas where I work with my female clients. Do you chase after the bad boys who treat you poorly and only want them more? Are you attracted to all the unavailable guys? Are you afraid to ask for what you want? Do you put up with nonsense expecting that “one day” it will magically change? If so, welcome to the club — you are far from alone. You, my dear, do not know your value. The truth is that there are only two fears in the human condition: one is that you’re “not enough,” and two is that you won’t be loved. Let’s be clear: this will keep you single until it changes.

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