50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

 4. My husband acted as the lone pallbearer for our newborn son’s funeral.

I carried him for nearly his whole life and my husband carried him to his final rest.

5. My wife and I came to understand that we can sleep apart for the sake of comfort and good rest, without it being an expression of emotional distance.

6. I was having a panic attack and he was in the bathroom. He called me in there because he could hear me sobbing uncontrollably. I went in (thinking he was brushing his teeth) and the man pulled me down onto his lap while he was pooping and held me while I was sobbing uncontrollably/hyperventilating/laughing the absurdity.

We are now engaged.

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