50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

40. This will probably get buried, but whatever.

About 2 months into my relationship with my husband, my cat that I had adopted a month before had to be put down. She was my very first “on my own” pet and my first cat because my sister was incredibly allergic, so I had to wait until I moved out to get one.

I was incredibly devastated. He was with me every step of the way. He stayed in the room with me while I held my cat and she was put to sleep. He drove me to get food at 3 am by the time the whole ordeal was over. He stayed up with me all night. It was a surreal night, but he helped me feel normal. That’s when I knew he was the one for me.

41. I aimed for him when he was too drunk to do it himself. He had to tell me more than once to stop squeezing.

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