50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

32. He stayed. Through active alcohol addiction, and through my sobriety.

33. I had an ingrown hair that got really infected in my crotch. (Male to the left of my stuff) had to go get it drained and treated in the ER after pain didn’t go away. Got worse next day went back to ER got admitted and the had to do surgery to clean all the puss out. It was about a three inch gash that was about one inch deep. They don’t stitch infected wounds cause they want them to heel from the inside out as to not trap any residual infection. So they kept me about a week and daily they would have to come in and remove the cause that was stuffed in there rinse it out and re stuff it. After a week I got released and had to go to wound care daily. Then they changed it to every other day and my wife had to change it on the off days and she never hesitated or acted grossed out. She just did it and never complained. It was extremely painful btw.

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