50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

50 Couples Reveal The Unromantic Moment They Realized They Found Their Forever Person

Ask Reddit knows the most unromantic moments can be the most memorable.

1. I made dinner and dropped it on the floor as I was serving it.

I was really upset, until she was like oh well, and scooped it up and started eating.

2. We spend the majority of our time at home doing our own separate things. We have two TVs in our living room so I’ll often be playing video games or watching podcasts while she watches Netflix or Youtube. We also spend a lot of time in our own separate study rooms where mine is for making music and and hers is for getting her career work done. I believe respecting each other’s needs to do things alone and not always needing to do things together every day is the single biggest reason we’ve lasted as long as we have and we just celebrated our 13 year anniversary.

3. I have crazy cat allergies and she has crazy dog allergies, but we take the meds and get the treatment so that we can have a cat for her and a dog (2 actually) for me.

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