50 classmates spill the tea on celebrities who went to their high school 

50 Classmates Spill The Tea On Celebrities Who Went To Their High School 

49. My ex-mother-in-law was close friends with Johnny Knoxville, except everyone around here calls him PJ. He absolutely adores her father. So anytime he came into town, he’s visit my ex-wife’s grandfather, who happened to live next door to my ex-mother-in-law. She said he was just a sweet, goofy kid growing up who was always doing stunts even back then. He used to wear a football helmet around for his stunt work or something like that.

Anywho, he came in town for his parents’ 50th and we were all invited. Then we hung around outside and walked around and I gotta say, I don’t know any celebrities, but I’ve heard they can be dicks to fans (looking at you Daniel Craig, you Bondly SOB, you). This just cannot be said about PJ. He’s just as friendly after 3 hours of fans stopping him as he was the first fan of the night. He smiles from ear-ear, gives each fan a great big hug, takes pictures with them, gives them that Johnny Knoxville laugh, and just genuinely appreciates their support. He’s just an all around nice guy from the sticks.

50. My dad went to school with Vanilla Ice, he said he was nice. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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