50 classmates spill the tea on celebrities who went to their high school 

50 Classmates Spill The Tea On Celebrities Who Went To Their High School 

39. I went to high school with Emily Ratajkowski. She is a year older than me and was in a grade above me. We weren’t friends ourselves, but she was friends with a lot of people I was friends in. In no way did I know her well, but i remember she was always smiling and very nice. The most memorable thing though, is I had her dad as my art teacher for a semester when I was a sophomore. He had been with the school for SO many years and I think he retired the year after I had him. My high school was relaxed as fuck but he was the ultimate DGAF teacher. He would take attendance and then leave for the rest of the class, came back 5 minutes prior and would take attendance again. He was a super nice guy, very very talented.

Back to Emily though, the only thing I truly remember from her in high school is she was cute but not like DAMN! She had gnarly eyebrows, not in a bad way at all, they were just intimidating but also really cute in a way. Great girl (from what I could tell) and I’m happy she’s big and famous now.

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