50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

11. My grandpa bought me a tv and DVD player when I was in middle school so we could watch wrestling together. His kids didn’t like letting him come over to watch it, he had had some drug problems in the past and was often homeless, but he was always welcome at our house.

He taught me chess and patience and it’s always been clear to me that he loved me and my siblings.

12. My one hobby that I have held onto from childhood has been playing guitar. My family never had a lot of money, so I was playing on ~$150 guitars my whole life. I always wanted my brother to learn an instrument so we could jam together, going as far as buying him a bass guitar, but he just couldn’t get into it. He always made it a point to tell me when he thought I was improving or when he had a suggestion for a song I could cover.

Last autumn he got his first full-time job and started putting money away. For Christmas, he bought me a Les Paul. I still can’t wrap my head around it every time I come home and see it sitting on the stand. I’m probably going to have to buy him a car at some point.

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