50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

49. One year my nieces got me a Pillow Pet. As a dude in my mid 30’s I’m not exactly the Pillow Pet demographic…

Two years earlier I had found Pillow Pets, and in a total win at Uncle-ing I was on the craze way before it got big. They loved them, everyone at their school loved them, big win.

So, a few years later when they found a Dragon Pillow Pet they insisted they get it for me. Their mother, my sister, was skeptical that I would want such a thing. I loved it, not because I need or want such a thing, but because they wanted me to have it because they loved their own so much.

I know I’ve received bigger gifts and others that were given with the same kind of love, but this one sticks out.

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