50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

41. I know you’re not supposed to give pets as gifts, but a few days before Christmas, when I was nine, my mum gave me a little kitten. She was the last one left and was small, skinny with runny eyes and runny nose. I adored her and for 12 years she was the light of my life.

42. When I was younger I was obsessed with the Spice Girls and my grandma gave me a poster of them one year for Christmas. My parents are divorced and we moved a lot with my mom but no matter how many bedrooms I had, I always had my Spice Girls poster hanging up on my door. One of the last times we moved, my mom was packing up my room and was trying to get my poster down and she ripped it. Now not terrible, but then she threw it away without my knowing. I found out and cried and cried for days. Then with it being many years later, I couldn’t ever find the same one for sale on eBay, Amazon, nothing. I told my MIL the story like one time and 2 years ago she found it and gifted it to me for Christmas. It’s the first time I’ve ever cried over a present like that. I still need to frame it, but it’s one of my prized things now.

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