50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

4. First year my now hubby and I were dating: his mom got a Christmas tree ornament made with ‘daddy’ both of my now step-sons names, and the boys’ nick name for me. She gave it to me as my Christmas present.

The ornament isn’t anything fancy – four bears made at one of the mall kiosks where they paint your name on. However, it reminds me how quickly and deeply I was accepted into their family. I love it and it’s always that ‘one ornament’ I go searching for in the decoration box when we put the tree up.

5. I was seven years old in ICU with pneumonia. It was horrible timing because Christmas was that week.

The nurses brought in a massive television with a Nintendo GameCube hooked up to it. The only game I played was Mario sunshine the entire time I was in the hospital.

I love that game so much! It was so colorful and just super exciting to play since I didn’t even know the game existed. It is still my favorite Mario game ever made but I’m biased.

Well I made it out of the hospital just a few days before Christmas and on Christmas Day we went to my auntie’s house. We started opening gifts and they got me my very own GameCube but it didn’t appear I had any games for it. They tricked me and hid the other gift they bought. It was Mario Sunshine.

I’ve never ever had tears of joy but when I opened these gifts I couldn’t help but cry. I was so surprised and so happy! I’ve still never experienced the same emotions I had in that day.

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