50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

34. The Christmas before my father passed away he gave me a necklace, which was very unusual. He normally just gave me cash. The necklace was three hearts intertwined, and engraved on the back was, “My little girl yesterday, my friend today, my daughter forever.”

He knew how sick he was but he never told anyone, and he died the following August. The pattern of that necklace is my first and only tattoo (I got it done a week after he died.). I plan on giving the necklace to my own daughter someday.

35. When I was a kid I wasn’t allowed an iPod because I was a little shit. I was really upset because I wanted to play Minecraft, so for Christmas when my brother said he’d gotten me an iPod I was super excited. It turns out he made an iPod out of cardboard and drew a Minecraft scene on the ‘screen’. It still holds up as my favorite present and I still have it nearly 10 years later.

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