50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

50 Stories About Christmas Presents That Will Make You Ugly Cry

32. $5 when I was first settled in the US in 1982 working part time at the YMCA as a janitor for $3.35/hr. He was just a non-descriptive person who worked out regularly at the Y. The $5 was in a Christmas card with one line “I believe in you”. I am now having a comfortable middle class life with multiple houses all paid for and earning 6 figure income. Will never forget that $5 and “I believe in you” Christmas card. Thank you stranger for changing my life.

33. My prosthetic leg.

I had a below the knee amputation the Saturday before thanksgiving this year. Infection in my blood got into the bone and almost took my life. Been on medical leave from work since. Today I saw the surgeon for a post surgery visit. Was told I’m ahead of schedule healing and recovery wise.

I won’t get my prosthetic for a while yet but being told I can start getting fitted for one is a pretty great early gift.

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