You're Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

You’re Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

9. Pretended that I didn’t give a shit about them or that I was madly attracted to them. Played it “cool.”

Guess how many times it worked? None. Still doing it at 21.

10. I’m running a 5k tomorrow for no other reason than she is and I’m going to have a heart attack…

11. I was awkward in high school around girls and when I finally got a job I tried everything I could to meet or interact with them. Ended up working at a video store and met a very good looking girl checking out a movie. I pulled up her number from the system and called her after I was sure she was home and asked her out. As soon as I started the conversation I knew I had crossed a line but I tried to keep going.

It’s been years now but I still feel like a creep for doing that.

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