You're Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

You’re Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

42. In elementary, I went to school with a couple dudes that were very gymnastically inclined. They would do a double backflip off the swings instead of just one. They would do flips off the monkey bars, standing back flips, wall flips, you name it.

The girls loved them, they would sit and be an audience for these guys every lunch almost.

I got jealous. I practiced on my trampoline for a few days, tried some hand springs (which I got pretty good at, forwards not backwards)

Then the next time they were showing off, I joined them. Boom guy #1 comes running through; hand spring, cartwheel, back flip, back flip. Guy #2 comes bolting behind him; cartwheel into ariel, into backflip.

Here I come, cartwheel, into back hand spring…. oh wait, I dont know how to do one backwards, land on my neck, wind myself, start crying.

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