You're Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

You’re Not The Only Awkward One: 50 Singles Reveal The Most Embarrassing Way They Chased A Crush

26. High school. I brought a mirror to school so I could stare at the guy on the down-low, except he immediately noticed and pointed it out to his buddies sitting next to him. Then at break time he told me to stop staring at him, and subsequently avoided me like the plague.

Felt bad, man.

27. The 17-YO sad and awkward me basically fell straight into the friendzone. I did too many cringy things to list, but here are a few instances:

I thought if I made my self indispensable to him, he’d eventually fall for me. So, I basically journaled all of his coursework, for the entire term, on the day before submission.

Later that year, he got drunk and called me. Somewhere in the drunken rambling he casually said “love ya”. You’d not make a deal of that right? Wrong. I called him the next day to remind him he said this, and that’s not all. I then followed it up with.. I love you, too.

YEP. So, an awkward conversation later I went on to avoid him for the next year or so.

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