50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

19. My friend crashed her car once and called me immediately after it happened. She was still in the car and the other driver had cheesed it. It could have been pretty bad, too…the footwell caved in on her legs and a few inches more would’ve crushed them.

When I asked her why she called me instead of 911, she said, “I don’t know… you’re all I thought about.”

20. “You’re really funny. You should talk to people more.” I have social anxiety and that was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me imo.

21. “It’s really admirable how you don’t seem to care what others think of you.”

10 years ago. Still not sure if that was genuine or a sly insult. 10/10 execution on that one.

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Thought Catalog