50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

15. I was talking to my ex and a few of his friends about this girl I knew in high school, Cecily. I said “she’s the kind of person that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world when you’re talking to her. She engages so deeply and always seems really interested in what you’re saying to her.”

One of his friends said, “I think you’re one of those people” and everyone else in the car voiced their agreement. It was the coolest thing that ever happened to me. I’ll never forget that.

16. I been walking the same route for over a year for exercise trying to lose weight. i had lost about 120 pounds by this time when i heard a woman’s voice I did not know call out to me from her back yard. “I’m proud of you, you have lost a lot of weight” I haven’t seen her since but to me that helped me stay motivated hearing that.

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