50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

9. I’ve been complimented a few times on my body odor. I wasn’t using any perfumes or colognes, just some Degree pit stick. And it’s not just after a shower or the earlier parts of the day, no – this was later in the day when you expect your deodorant to kinda stop working. Once it was while I was putting something together in a garage during a hot summer evening (and not by my significant other).

10. A girl who was my friend, but also extremely attractive told me her friends told her that I got really attractive in college. Then she went on to say “And I was like, yeah. He really has!”

I was a little pudgy in High School. I also hadn’t learned to style my hair. In college I started working out and cut it short.

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