50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

49. I’ve been very depressed lately. I’ve never felt a low like this before. My roommate noticed because I stopped doing the dishes on my designated days, which is unlike me; I just couldn’t find the energy or motivation.

I told her and she started writing encouraging notes on our shared bathroom mirror with dry erase markers.

Yesterday she wrote “5 things that make you awesome”, and today she wrote “I am a better person because of you.”

I think she literally saved my life. I’m still struggling, but I’m so lucky to have her.

50. A girl I worked with once asked if I could give her a ride home because her ride wasn’t able to pick her up. I did, and asked her out to dinner, which she agreed to. While we were at dinner, she confessed: “I didn’t actually need a ride home. I just wanted a ride from a cute guy.”

I was riding that compliment for months. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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