50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

46. “I feel safe when I am with you.”

47. A man came up to me, and asked me if I would be available for a date. I said I wasn’t wasn’t in a relationship, but also wasn’t homosexual, and afterwards said I appreciated the offer. ‘Ah, that’s okay buddy, I’m sure you’ll make some girl very happy one day.’ That man was very good with rejection… I think.

48. I was grocery shopping with my wife and this adorable little old lady stopped me and said, “You are so handsome, you should be a movie star.” I looked over my shoulder to make sure she was talking to me then watched my wife eye roll her so hard, Anyway, very sweet and totally made my day.

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