50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

39. My dentist recently asked if I lost weight. I don’t pay attention to weight (don’t own a scale) so I just said I didn’t know if I had or not. She replied, “Oh well you’re looking good.”

It’s the first genuine compliment that I’ve gotten in years.

40. I’ve never considered myself very attractive. One day I went in to the restaurant/bar I work at before heading off to a music festival to grab some food (shoutout to 50% discounts) and I tend to go all out when it comes to dressing up for festivals. I work with a lot of very attractive women who I consider way out of my league. As soon as they see me they’re just firing off the compliments about how good I look or how “cute” I look. One of them even said “Damn! You look hot!” and I have never been on a bigger high then that moment.

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