50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

50 Ways To Express Your Love For Him With Words Of Affirmation 

28. This isn’t precisely a compliment but it still makes me smile. It happened before I came out as trans. I was at a convention dressed casually because it was the last day and we were gonna leave soon. I had to run through the con to get my roomies’ part of the payment for the hotel room, and as I passed a checkpoint the volunteer stopped me with an “Excuse me, sir.” She wanted to see my wristband. I was elated! I practically floated the rest of the way.

29. Late night I was walking into a kiosk at the central station with my girlfriend when a scuffed up homeless man approached us. He just told her out of the blue: “Hold on to him, you will never get something that good again in your lifetime.”

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