50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

11. At my local Wisconsin Walmart, a female employee was promoted to cashier in the liquor department. This made another female employee jealous because she wanted that job. So she went in there one afternoon and shot her.

12. I used to work at Walmart corporate HQ and sat with a group of loss prevention associates at our shareholders meeting one year.

I asked what was the most ridiculous thing any of them had seen returned.

The winning answer IMHO was an opened box of condoms because they were TOO BIG!

I personally witnessed a woman returning a half-eaten birthday cake because it “gave her grandma the diabetes” and she had to go to the ER.

13. I don’t work there, but a few years ago, a young woman walked into my local Walmart, went straight to the bathroom, then 5 minutes later walked out of the store. Turns out she had given birth in one of the toilets! She left the baby there in the toilet! It was still alive!

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