50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

5. I worked at Walmart a few years ago. I don’t really have many personal experiences with people like that, but one of my Coworkers told me something that happened to him once:

Apparently, some asshole customer took one of the mouse traps and hid it at the back of one of the shelves. Poor coworker reached in and got his hand caught in it. Idk if that’s a “people of Walmart” thing or a “people are scumbags” thing, but it certainly didn’t sound pleasant.

6. I worked at a Phoenix area Walmart in the late 2000s. We used to have a customer come in dressed head to toe in a baby outfit complete with a bonnet, a pacifier and adult diapers. It was a middle aged white guy. The first time i ever saw him i freaked out but everyone else what like “oh thats baby guy”. Apparently he was a normal guy with a wife and a baby and one day he just snapped and decided to live the rest of his life as a baby. He would pay people to come to his house and change him and feed him in a high chair etc. he was a minor celebrity in the area before he passed away.

7. If this says anything about the associates, just last week I was in the employee bathroom when another associate walked in. All the stalls were full so he pissed in the sink, didn’t wash hands, and left.

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