50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

47. I lived close enough to work to go home for lunch. On the way back, I turn off the highway onto the feeder street in front of Walmart. An SUV comes barreling out of nowhere, blows through a stop sign, cuts me off, and speeds into Walmart parking lot. He pulls up to the front and parks. Not in a parking space; literally in front next to the entrance doors. I park and start walking in to clock in, anxious to see the douche behind the wheel. Out steps a dude with no shirt, wearing shorts and high heels. Goes straight to the tobacco checkout, gets cigarettes and leaves.

48. I worked in a neighborhood market in Tennessee. One day a heavy storm rolled in as I was pushing carts. As I was pushing in my last row, I saw a man walking towards the entrance, and since it was raining it looks like he was wearing a white suit with yellow polka dots.

I go inside, turns out it’s a very thin Spongebob onesie. He wasn’t wearing underwear. It was not a good day for my eyes.

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