50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

37. I don’t know if you want looks or behavior, so I’ll try and cover both. I worked overnights. My store was right across the street from a hospital, but only a couple blocks away from a strip club, so you can only guess the variety of people I saw.

I worked on the grocery side of the store, not general merchandise, so I didn’t see a lot of crazy stuff. I mostly had to deal with rude idiots. For instance…

  • Customers would refuse to move while I was pulling pallets and insist that I go around them in addition to all the holiday displays and construction. Yeah, that’s not happening.

  • Customers getting angry at me that food items didn’t come in a smaller size, as if I personally did this to fuck them over.

  • Getting hit on by randos at 1:30 in the morning. Specifically, I had a guy ask me where the bathrooms were as an excuse to talk/flirt with me. He also thought telling me he’d just gotten out of prison would really make my panties drop or something.

  • People would open up the cooler doors to the dairy and stick their heads in to ask where products were instead of finding an employee on the floor. Mind, there’s a bunch of giant-ass cooling fans in the dairy cooler that make it impossible to hear anything. I’d have random-ass customers screaming “WHERE’S THE FETA?!” out of fucking nowhere. Scared the shit out of me.

  • Big groups of teenagers that would come in after midnight and ride the scooters around the store and trash the place and generally make a nuisance of themselves. Most of them had to be escorted out by management.

  • Saw a failed shoplifting attempt while on break once. Guy tried to walk out with a couple of flatscreen TVs in his cart, then bolted when the door thing started beeping. The store didn’t do much about it.

  • Had a customer threaten to call the store manager and have him fire me (apparently they were best friends or some shit) because I wouldn’t get him cigarettes. I was up front watching the self-checkouts and the door and was told not to leave that area for any reason because we were pathetically understaffed. The cigarette counter was closed anyway and no amount of explaining would make him stop. It actually egged him on. I was putting my job at risk either way, so I got his damn cigarettes.

  • Had a woman threaten to call the store manager because the eyeshadow she found on a clearance rack had been marked down to $2 and she wanted it for $1. She started screaming and making threats and sat outside on the benches for three hours on the phone bitching about the store and how awful we were.

  • And finally, some former friends of mine tried to start shit with me while I was on the clock. They followed me to my department and were opening up all the outside dairy cooler doors to try and scream at me, so I hid in the meat freezer until another employee came through and I told him to get out manager.

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