50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

35. Have worked at my local store on and off since 2004. The family that stands out the most is the one who homeschooled all their kids and claimed to have an “animal rescue”. They’d come once or twice a week and collect all the fruit and veg that would have otherwise gone to a food bank or the compactor, I’m not sure. Claimed it was for the animals but the produce associates said they’d eat it right off the truck. They would often bring rescue skunks shopping in the store with them, riding in the basked of the motorized cart that the patriarch of the family rode in, saying it was a service skunk that alerted him when his blood sugar levels were too high. Kids were almost illiterate and always unwashed and poorly dressed, frequently got scabies and lice medication from the pharmacy.

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