50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

Women with a live goose in her shopping cart. She said it was a service goose.


29. Three weeks into my sentence at Walmart, a grown adult pooped in one of the food aisles. Welcome to the big leagues, kid.

30. Former Wal Mart cashier/Customer Service Desk associate here. Had a guy bring in a copied $10 bill to make a purchase. When the cashier told him he couldn’t use it, he demanded to speak with a manager.

Now, I’m not sure if a hand-colored xeroxed $10 bill, or the manager approving the sale was the most Wal Mart thing, but I think the argument could be made that it doesn’t matter in the end.

31. There is a guy at my Walmart who pushes his cart while he’s on a hover board. Living in 3018.

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