50 'People Of Walmart' Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

50 ‘People Of Walmart’ Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

27. At the Walmart next to my work, this guy ripped open a bag of raw fish and began eating it. When he was confronted by the employees, he ran outside into the parking lot where he was promptly hit by a car. Pretty sure drugs were involved in this situation.

28. Oh God…here we go.

During a dark time in my life many years ago, I stocked a Wal-Mart working overnights. Now, daytime Wal-Mart is weird enough, but nighttime Wal-Mart might as well be the fucking Twilight zone.

Theres a lot of stories, but one that stands out is one night around 3am, I’m helping stock the health and beauty aisles. If you ever shop a Wal-Mart you also know this is where the lube, condoms, pregnancy tests, etc are kept.

I’m rounding the corner to move into this aisle when I hear hushed but slightly panicked voices. Now, the sex stuff is a high-theft area, so I listen thinking someone is trying to jack some pregnancy tests. What I heard went beyond normal Wal-Mart fuckery.

The last thing I heard before coming into view was “you better not be, mom and dad will kill the both of us”. I come around to see a male and female teenager stop dead and look at me white as ghosts. They have similar hair color and skin complexions…and well, given what was said between them it’s fair to assume they were brother and sister, and in the sister’s hands were several boxes of pregnancy tests. They just walk away silently after seeing me.

Yep, total Roll Tide moment at Wal-Mart.

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