50 Disappointed Guests Reveal The Worst Wedding They Suffered Through

50 Disappointed Guests Reveal The Worst Wedding They Suffered Through

8. My wife’s and my mutual friend hates Star Wars. Just can’t stand it.

Her husband’s is a crazed fan.

When they moved in together, he took an entire wall – literally the entire thing, top to bottom, floor to ceiling – and hung his action figures (still in box) on nails.

She planned their wedding, he made lots of changes. Before the ceremony, he had the chapel play that never ending bar song. When he walked to the front of the chapel, he had Darth Vader’s Imperial March playing. She walked down the aisle to the Star Wars theme song.

She hated the entire thing and was visibly bothered by it. He thought it was amazing, a life dream. They tell their son, Anakin, about their wedding day all the time. Nope, not a joke.

9. Went to a wedding once where you could just feel the tension in the air. One of the sets of in-laws didn’t seem to like the new spouse (can’t remember which side). Before the ceremony, mother freaked out and I’m pretty sure they gave her some drugs to calm her down. The ceremony goes ok until the vows. The couple wrote their own. Cool idea. But they wrote them in heavy sarcasm. I’m a fan of sarcasm but there’s a time and a place for everything. Wedding vows is not the time or the place for sarcasm.

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