Everyone Thinks My Best Friend Went Missing. I Know What Really Happened.

I didn’t see what happened after that because when I woke up, the Skinstealer was gone. Kevin was gone.

There was a small bulge under the sleeping bag, just near where it read “Kevin”. Other than that my bedroom was just as neat as you please, no evidence that anyone had ever been there at all.

It was almost 2 in the morning and it was freezing outside but I took the bones to the woods that edged my backyard. It took me almost an hour to dig the hole but it wasn’t too bad because the Skinstealer had made it easy, Kevin was in good little pieces and the hole didn’t have to be that big to fit all his bones. I buried them deep. I did it like I’d been doing it all my life, then I went inside and washed off the shovel. I washed my hands. I took another leak and I went back to bed.

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