Everyone Thinks My Best Friend Went Missing. I Know What Really Happened.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was how dreadfully cold my room had become. I thought maybe the window was open, maybe Kevin had cracked it a little when I went to the bathroom, but Kevin hadn’t moved from his sleeping bag.

The second thing I noticed was the dark form crouched over him.

My mouth fell open and a dry little gasp popped out. I couldn’t have stopped it any more than one can stop their own heartbeat, but the form turned towards me with a sharp snap of their head.

He was beyond skinny, beyond gaunt – the angles of his face were severe, cheekbones standing out like rocky crags. His eyes were set deep in his head. The circles surrounding them were dark and puffy, painful looking. His thin lips curled out, giving them a grotesquely seductive pout. He was bald. Moonlight shone off the stretched-tight skin of his skull. He reminded me of the photos in our history books when we learned about the Holocaust.

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