Everyone Thinks My Best Friend Went Missing. I Know What Really Happened.

“Look,” he began, and from that very first word I knew it was going to hurt. “We… I don’t think we should hang out so much anymore, okay?”

I sat there. My palms were sweating onto the crinkly material of my sleeping bag but I didn’t move, didn’t want to betray how I was feeling.

Kevin waited for me to say something. When it became apparent we were in a standoff, he sighed again.

“You’re just… you’re too close to me. People notice. Guys in class notice. They think – they say we’re—“

“I’m not gay,” I said, but it was just the first thing out of my mouth. I didn’t know yet, hadn’t had that special moment where I knew if I liked girls or guys, I just knew I liked Kevin, and at that very moment Kevin was tearing my heart out of my chest.

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