Everyone Thinks My Best Friend Went Missing. I Know What Really Happened.

I paused for dramatic effect. Kevin didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. I went on.

“What they didn’t know was that he was sick. He had some sort of blood disease, or maybe cancer. Whatever it was was eating him away. He was getting skinnier, looking worse all the time. And then came the car accident. That’s what started it, they think.”

Kevin rolled over in his sleeping bag and stared at me. It felt good to have his attention. I went on like I hadn’t noticed.

“Someone brought in their daughter who’d been killed in a car wreck. The undertaker worked on her for days and finally told the family that she was too mangled in the accident to fix properly. He suggested a closed casket funeral, and the family agreed.” I paused again.

“And?” he asked.

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